





       2012.9-2018.6 中国科学院水生生物研究所理学博士

       2008.9-2012.6 华中师范大学理学学士





环境微生物,在职期间主持国家自然科学基金1项,攻读博士期间参加省部级及国家级科研项目多项,在Environmental Microbiology、Appliedand Environmental Microbiologyand Water Research等国际高影响杂志上发表论文


1、主持项目“PEP-CTERM蛋白质参与Aquincola tertiaricarbonis RN12 菌胶团形成机制研究”(国家自然科学基金,项目编号:31900095,起止时间:2020.01-2022.1220万)


(1)Gao N, Xia M, Dai J, et al. Both widespread PEP-CTERM proteins and exopolysaccharides are required for floc formation of Zoogloea resiniphila and other activated sludge bacteria[J]. Environmental Microbiology. 2018.

(2)Dianzhen Yu, Ming Xia,Liping Zhang, Yulong Song, Tong Yuan, Liyou Wu, Chunyuan Tian, Zhenbin Wu1, Xiangzhen Li, Jizhong Zhou , Dongru Qiu RpoN (sigma54) is required for floc formation but not for extracellular polysaccharide biosynthesis in a floc-forming Aquincola tertiaricarbonis strain Applied and environmental microbiology

(3)An, W., F. Guo, Y. Song, N. Gao, S. Bai, J. Dai, H. Wei, L. Zhang, D. Yu, M. Xia, Y. Yu, M. Qi, C. Tian, H. Chen, Z. Wu, T. Zhang and D. Qiu (2016). Comparative genomics analyses on EPS biosynthesis genes required for floc formation of Zoogloea resiniphila and other activated sludge bacteria. Water Res 102: 494-504.

(4)Wei, H., J. Dai, M. Xia, M. F. Romine, L. Shi, A. Beliav, J. M. Tiedje, K. H. Nealson, J. K. Fredrickson, J. Zhou and D. Qiu (2016). Functional roles of CymA and NapC in reduction of nitrate and nitrite by Shewanella putrefaciens W3-18-1. Microbiology 162(6): 930-941.

(5)Li, R., R. T. Withers, J. Dai, J. Ruan, W. Li, Y. Dai, W. An, D. Yu, H. Wei, M. Xia, C. Tian, H. D. Yu and D. Qiu (2016). Truncated type IV pilin PilA(108) activates the intramembrane protease AlgW to cleave MucA and PilA(108) itself in vitro. Arch Microbiol 198(9): 885-892.

(6)Bai, S., J. Dai, M. Xia, J. Ruan, H. Wei, D. Yu, R. Li, H. Jing, C. Tian, L. Song and D. Qiu (2015). Effects of intermediate metabolite carboxylic acids of TCA cycle on Microcystis with overproduction of phycocyanin. Environ Sci Pollut Res Int 22(7): 5531-5537.

