


  1. 个人基本信息

刘红艳女,教授,湖北中青年创新团队和江汉大学特色方向协同创新团队骨干,中国动物学会和遗传学会会员,美国伊利诺伊大学访问学者,主持国家自然科学基金和农业农村部等科研项目20余项,发表国内外学术论文80余篇,获国家授权专利5项,Conservation GeneticsJournal of Fish Biology等杂志审稿人,主要从事水生生物群体遗传学、分子生态学和生物多样性保护等方面的研究。邮箱:lhy9603@126.com



22015.1-2016.1:美国伊利诺伊大学 访问学者










1. 主要研究方向




2. 主要科研项目













1王小玉,翟东东,刘红艳,陈元元, 熊飞,喻记新.基于碳、氮稳定同位素的三角湖短颌鲚营养生态位研究.水生态学杂志, 2024, doi.org/10.15928/j.1674-3075.202212140500.

2熊飞,郭祺,张伟,刘红艳,翟东东,段辛斌,田辉伍,陈大庆. 金沙江下游向家坝库区鱼类群落结构空间格局. 水生态学杂志, 2024, 45 (4): 82-91.

3熊雪平,罗进勇,翟东东,刘红艳,陈元元,熊飞. 汉阳水网中5个连通湖泊的轮虫群落结构与物种多样性. 湖泊科学, 2024, 32.1331.P.20240704.1945.008.html.

4翟东东,王东, 何天琪, 蔡方陶, 段辛斌,胡兴坤,朱滨,谢仲桂, 夏明,  刘红艳, 熊飞. 长江中游鳤的遗传多样性及种群历史动态分析. 水生生物学报, 2024, 1-11.

5刘淑君, 翟东东, 罗进勇, 熊飞, 刘红艳, 陈元元. 基于碳、氮稳定同位素分析的三角湖鱼类营养结构研究 [J]. 淡水渔业, 2024, 54 (3): 3-11.

6Chen Y Y, Xiong F, Zhai D D, Liu H Y, Duan X B, Chen D Q, Jiang W, Li B. Risk Assessment of Dissolved Trace Elements and Heavy Metals in the Upper Reaches of the Yangtze River, China. Water. 2023,15(7):1330.

7Xuejing Zhang, Tai Wang, Dongdong Zhai, Hongyan Liu, Fei Xiong, Ying Wang.Transcriptome analysis and gene expression analysis related to salinity-alkalinity and low temperature adaptation of Triplophysa yarkandensis. Frontier Genetics. 2023,13:1089274.

8熊飞, 刘红艳*, 翟东东, 段辛斌, 田辉伍, 陈大庆. 基于基因组重测序的长江上游瓦氏黄颡鱼群体遗传结构. 生物多样性, 2023, 314: 1-10.

9刘红艳, 熊飞, 翟东东, 王莹, 夏明, 陈元元. 鲿科鱼类DNA条形码鉴定及系统进化研究. 水产科学, 2023, 42(4): 575-584.

10Xia M, Xiong F, Li X M, LiD H, Wang Z C, Zhai D D,Liu H Y, ChenY Y, Yu J X,Wang Y. Different assemblypatterns of planktonic andsedimentary bacterial community ina few connected eutrophic lakes.Water, 2022, doi.org/10.3390/w14050723

11Hongyan Liu, Fei Xiong, Dongdong Zhai, Xinbin Duan, Daqing Chen, Yuanyuan Chen, Ying Wang, Ming Xia. Genetic diversity and population differentiation of Chinese Lizard Gudgeon (Saurogobio dabryi) in the upper Yangtze River. Frontier in Ecology and Evolution, 2022, 10:890475. doi: 10.3389/fevo.2022.890475.

12Dongdong Zhai, Bo Li, Fei Xiong, Wei Jiang, Hongyan Liu, Chenhao Luo, Xinbin Duan, Daqing Chen. Population Genetics Reveals Invasion Origin of Coilia brachygnathus in the Three Gorges Reservoir of the Yangtze River, China. Frontier in Ecology and Evolution, 2022, 10: 783215. doi: 10.3389/fevo.2022.783215.

13Jinxin Yu, Hongyan Liu, Dongdong Zhai, Jing Cai, Fei Xiong. Length-weight relationships of six fish species from the lower reaches of the Jinsha River, southwest China. Journal of Applied Ichthyology, 2022, 38: 379-381.

14Xiong F, Zhai DD, Yu JX, Chen YY, Wang Y, Liu HY. The complete mitochondrial genome of the Chinese noodlefish Leucosoma chinensis and phylogenetic analysis of Salangidae (Osteichthyes: Osmeriformes). Mitochondrial DNA Part B. 20216(1):176-177.

15Zhai DD, Xie ZG, Wang Y, Yu JX, Chen YY, Xia M, Liu HY, Xiong F. Complete mitochondrial genome of Onychostoma leptura and phylogenetic analysis of Onychostoma. Mitochondrial DNA Part B-Resources. 2020, 5(3): 2297-2298.

16Zhai DD, Cai J, Yu JX, Wang Y, Chen YY, Xia M, Liu HY, Xiong F. Complete mitochondrial genome characterization of Cirrhinus mrigala from the Three Gorges Reservoir in China. Mitochondrial DNA Part B-Resources. 2020, 5(2): 1500-1501.

17Wang Y, Li ZY, Li YH, Jiang JC, Ouyang GL, Liu SJ, Liu HY, Xiong F. Complete mitochondrial genome of Lepturichthys fimbriata and phylogenetic analysis of family Balitoridae. Mitochondrial DNA Part B-Resources. 2020, 5(2): 1315-1316.

18刘红艳, 蔡金, 谢仲桂, 熊飞, 王莹,王沁,喻记新,翟东东,夏明,陈元元. 鳅科鱼类DNA条形码鉴定及系统进化研究. 江西农业大学学报. 2020, 42(4):766-777

19Liu H Y, Xiong F, Duan X B, Tian H W, Liu S P, Chen D Q. Low population differentiation revealed in the highly threatened elongate loach (Leptobotia elongata, Bleeker), a species endemic to the fragmented upper reaches of the Yangtze River, Biochemical Systematics and Ecology, 2017, 70: 22~28

20刘红艳, 熊飞, 段辛斌, 田辉伍, 刘绍平, 陈大庆, 红唇薄鳅2个野生群体的遗传多样性研究, 水产科学, 2017, 36(2): 192~196

21刘红艳, 熊飞, 宋丽香, 长江上游特有鱼类红唇薄鳅微卫星DNA分离及序列特征分析, 江西农业大学学报, 2017, 39(1): 145~152

22刘红艳, 熊飞, 段辛斌, 刘绍平, 陈大庆, 长江上游江津江段铜鱼种群参数和资源量评估, 自然资源学报, 2016, 31(8): 1420~1428

23刘红艳, 熊飞, 段辛斌, 刘绍平, 陈大庆, 长江上游江津江段长薄鳅种群参数和资源量评估, 动物学杂志, 2016, 51(6): 993~1002

24刘红艳, 李存耀, 熊飞, 入侵地和原产地太湖新银鱼群体遗传结构, 水产学报, 2016, 40(10): 1521~1530

25刘红艳, 陈校辉, 熊飞, 长江中下游湖泊和云南抚仙湖黄颡鱼群体遗传结构研究, 华中师范大学学报(自然科学版), 2016, 50(2): 269~275

26Liu H Y, Li C Y, Xiong F, Isolation and characterization of 19 polymorphic microsatellite loci from Neosalanx taihuensis, a rapidly invasive and adaptative species, Biochemical Systematics and Ecology, 2015, 62: 121~123

27Liu H Y, Xiong F, Duan X B, Chen D Q, Liu S, Zhang F R, Yang D, Yu L N, A first set of polymorphic microsatellite loci isolated from Rhinogobio cylindricus, Conservation Genetics Resources, 2012, 4(2): 307~310

28Liu H Y, Xiong F, Duan X B, Chen D Q*, Isolation and characterization of polymorphic microsatellite loci from elongate loach (Leptobotia elongate), a threatened fish species endemic to the Yangtze River, Conservation Genetics Resources, 2012, 4(1): 129~131

29Liu H Y, Xiong F, Duan X B, Chen D Q, Genetic diversity of Botia superciliaris populations in the upper reaches of the Yangtze River revealed by ISSR markers. IPCBEE, 2012 (49): 25~30

30刘红艳, 熊飞, 董元火, 张繁荣, 杨东, 余来宁. 鱇浪白鱼野生与养殖群体遗传多样性的ISSR分析, 华中师范大学学报(自然科学版), 2012, 46(5): 591~595