方姣,女,汉族,中共党员,博士;以第一作者身份在BMC Genomics、 Frontiers in Plant Science、Phycologia 和Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 等国际刊物发表SCI论文数篇。主要从事藻类分类与系统发育、细胞器基因组学、淡水藻类生态学、微藻土壤改良等方面研究,取得了一系列代表性成果。
(1)2013.9-2017.6:黄冈师范学院 生命科学学院,学士
(3)2022.7 至今:江汉大学,工作
2020年度“中科院水生所研究生奖学金” 博士生三等奖;
2021年度“中科院水生所研究生奖学金” 博士生三等奖。
1. 主要研究方向
2. 主要科研项目
(1)Fang, Jiao; Li, Shuyin; Liu, Benwen; Liu, Guoxiang; Hu, Zhengyu; Zhu, Huan*. Molecular phylogeny and morphology of Cephaleuros (Trentepohliales, Chlorophyta) from southern China, Phycologia, 2021, 60(3): 189-199.
(2)Fang Jiao; Liu Benwen; Liu Guoxiang; Heroen Verbruggen; Zhu Huan*. Six Newly Sequenced Chloroplast Genomes From Trentepohliales: The Inflated Genomes, Alternative Genetic Code and Dynamic Evolution, Frontiers in Plant Science, 2021, 12:780054.
(3)Fang, Jiao; Chen, Yangliang; Liu, Guoxiang; Heroen, Verbruggen; Zhu, Huan*. Chloroplast Genome Traits Correlate With Organismal Complexity and Ecological Traits in Chlorophyta, Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 2021, 9:791166.
(4)Fang Jiao; Zheng Lingling; Liu Guoxiang; Zhu Huan*. Comparative Analysis of Chloroplast Genomes in Cephaleuros and Its Related Genus (Trentepohlia): Insights into Adaptive Evolution. Genes. 2024; 15(7):839.
(5)Fang Jiao*; Hu Yuquan; Hu Zhangfeng*. Comparative Analysis of Codon Usage Patterns in 16 Chloroplast Genomes of suborder Halimedineae. BMC genomics. 2024. (Accepted)
(6)方姣, 朱欢*, 刘国祥, 胡征宇. 头孢藻属中国新记录种. 植物科学学报. 2020; 38(1): 47-57.
(7)Yuhang Wang; Qingying Wei; Tianyuan Xue; Sixiao He; Jiao Fang; Changli Zeng*. Comparative and phylogenetic analysis of the complete chloroplast genomes of 10 Artemisia selengensis resources based on highthroughput sequencing. BMC Genomics. 2024; 25: 561.
(8)Qiufeng Yan; Huan Zhu; Jiao Fang; Benwen Liu; Guoxiang Liu*. Taxonomic study of a novel terrestrial alga, Spongiosarcinopsis qinghaiensis sp. nov. (Protosiphonaceae, Chlorophyta), from the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. PhytoKeys. 2022; 204: 83-95.