


  1. 个人基本信息

王莹,女,汉族,中共党员,理学博士,副教授、硕士生导师,现任江汉大学生命科学学院生物技术系党支部书记。荣获武汉市教育系统基层党组织书记优秀案例、武汉市优秀青年教师和武汉市人民政府第二十批博士资助人选等荣誉,是湖北省中青年创新团队骨干,中国动物学会会员、湖北省动物学会理事、BMC genomics编委和Integrative Zoology等杂志审稿人。主持国家自然科学基金项目两项,参与国家自然科学基金联合基金重点项目及国家自然科学基金项目3项。以第一作者或通讯作者(含共同)发表SCI论文20余篇,论文发表于《Molecular Biology and Evolution》、《BMC Biology》、《Molecular Ecology》及《eLife》等国际知名刊物上。主要从事鱼类适应性进化研究,利用转录组、基因组和甲基化组等多组学技术解析极端环境下鱼类的适应性进化机制,阐明环境、表型和基因型之间的关联关系,深入理解鱼类多样性形成机制。

  1. 主要学习工作经历

12016.7-至今      江汉大学                   教师         生物技术专业

22023.12-2024.12  University of Bristol(英国)  访问学者

32019.9-2020.7  华中师范大学               访问学者  生态学专业

42013.9-2016.6  中国科学院水生生物研究所   理学博士  水生生物学专业    

52009.9-2012.6  四川大学                     理学硕士  动物学专业

62005.9-2009.6  商丘师范学院               理学学士  生物科学专业






1. 主要研究方向



  1. 主要科研项目

  1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,急流环境中平扁体型鱼类的趋同演化机制研究,2025.01-2028.12; 50万元,主持

  2. 国家自然科学基金联合基金重点项目,高原特有鱼类环境适应性机理研究,2024.01-2027.1219.2万元,合作单位负责人

  3. 国家自然科学基金青年基金项目,基于基因序列变异和表达水平探讨鱼类适应青藏高原极端环境的趋同进化研究,2018.01-2020.1223万元,主持

  4. 国家自然科学基金面上项目, 长江上游生境破碎化对鱼类种群遗传结构的影响机制研究, 2020-01-01 2023-12-31, 61万元, 参与

  5. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,河流鱼类群落构建机制及小水电开发的影响研究:以长江上游赤水河和南广河为例,2018.01-2021.1260万元,参与

  1. 主要代表性学术论文#共同第一作者,*通讯作者

(1)Ying Wang#, Xuejing Zhang#, Jing Wang#, Cheng Wang#, Fei Xiong#, YutingQian#, Minghui Meng, Min Zhou, Wenjun Chen, Zufa Ding, Dan Yu, YangLiu, Yumei Chang, Shunping He*, LiandongYang*. Genomic insights into the seawater adaptation in Cyprinidae. BMC Biology,2024,22:87.

(2)Ying Wang, Liandong Yang. Deep-Sea Adaptation: Surviving under pressure. eLife. 2023, 12:e90216.

(3)Haifeng Jiang#, Wenqi Lv#, Ying Wang*, Yuting Qian, Cheng Wang, Ning Sun, Chengchi Fang, David M. Irwin, Xiaoni Gan*, Shunping He, Liandong Yang*. Multi-omics investigation of freeze tolerance in the Amur sleeper, an aquatic ectothermic vertebrate. Molecular Biology and Evolution, 2023.

(4) Liandong Yang#, Ying Wang#, Ning Sun, juan Chen, Shunping He*. Genomic and functional evidence reveals convergent evolution in fishes on the Tibetan Plateau. Molecular Ecology. 2021, 30(22):5752-5764.

(5)Ying Wang, Liandong Yang*. Genomic Evidence for Convergent Molecular Adaptation in Electric Fishes. Genome Biology and Evolution. 2021,13(3):evab038.

(6)Ying Wang, Fei Xiong, Zhaobin Song. Molecular Phylogeny and Adaptive Mitochondrial DNA Evolution of Salmonids (Pisces: Salmonidae). Frontier Genetics. 2022,13:903240.

(7)Xuejing Zhang, Tai Wang, Dongdong Zhai, Hongyan Liu, Fei Xiong, Ying Wang*.Transcriptome analysis and gene expression analysis related to salinity-alkalinity and low temperature adaptation of Triplophysa yarkandensis. Frontier Genetics. 2023,13:1089274.

(8)Ying Wang, Hanyu Wen, Dongdong Zhai, Hongyan Liu, Fei Xiong. DNA barcoding for identification of fishes in Xiangjiaba reservoir area in the downstream section of the Jinsha river. Conservation Genetics Resources, 2021.

(9)Ying Wang, Haifeng Jiang, and Liandong Yang*, Transcriptome Analysis of Zebrafish Olfactory Epithelium Reveal Sexual Differences in Odorant Detection. Genes, 2020, 11, 592.

(10)Ying Wang, Hanyu Wen,  Hongyan Liu, Fei Xiong. Complete mitochondrial genome and phylogenetic analysis of Anabarilius grahami (Teleostei, Cyprinidae, Cultrinae). Conservation Genetics Resources, 2018,10:301-303.

(11) Jiuxuan Li#, Ying Wang#, Huifang Jin , Wujiao Li , Chaochao Yan , Pengfei Yan , Xiuyue Zhang ,Shunping He , Zhaobin Song. Identification of Triplophysa species from the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau (QTP) and its adjacent regions through DNA barcodes. Gene, 2017, 605:12-19.

(12) Ying Wang, Yanjun Shen, Chenguang Feng, Kai Zhao, Zhaobin Song, Yanping Zhang, Liandong Yang, Shunping He. Mitogenomic perspectives on the origin of Tibetan loaches and their adaptation to high altitude. Scientific Reports, 2016, 6:29690.

(13) Ying Wang, Liandong Yang, Kun Zhou, Yanping Zhang, Zhaobin Song, Shunping He. Evidence for Adaptation to the Tibetan Plateau Inferred from Tibetan Loach Transcriptomes. Genome Biology and Evolution, 2015, 7: 2970-2982.

(14)Ying Wang, Liandong Yang, Bo Wu, Zhaobin Song, Shunping He. Transcriptome analysis of the plateau fish (Triplophysa dalaica): Implications for adaptation to hypoxia in fishes. Gene, 2015, 565: 211-220.

(15)Ying Wang, Rui Guo, Hua Li, Xiuyue Zhang, Jun Du, Zhaobin Song. The complete mitochondrial genome of the Sichuan taimen (Hucho bleekeri): Repetitive sequences in the control region and phylogenetic implications for Salmonidae. Marine genomics, 2011, 4: 221-228.

4. 授权专利

一种圆口铜鱼DNA条形码序列及其应用(专利号:201910674536.4)国家发明专利, 2019, 熊飞 曹梦西 王莹 刘红艳 文涵宇

一种蛇鮈DNA条形码序列及应用(专利号:201910674684.6)国家发明专利,2019, 熊飞 曹梦西 王莹 刘红艳 文涵宇